جميع حقوق ملكيه المحتويات المعروضه علي الموقع محفوظه لاصحابها ان كنت تملك احد هذه الحقوق ٫ وترغب في ازالة المحتوي المعروض بالموقع ٫ يمكنك مراسلتنا علي هذا البريد الالكتروني stateofkuwaitcom@gmail.com

انت تشاهد الان : الكويت: فصل ١٩٩٠ Kuwait: The class of 1990

الكويت: فصل ١٩٩٠ Kuwait: The class of 1990 On August 2, 1990, the Iraqi army invaded the emirate of Kuwait, which Saddam Hussein, the then Iraqi president, had declared Iraq's 19th province. At the end of the school year of 1990, students in an international school in Kuwait said their final farewells as they headed off for the summer holidays. Many of them would never meet again. Twenty years on, Al Jazeera's Nashwa Nasreldin returns to Kuwait to find out what happened to her friends and the school during the war that separated them


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  • الاثنين, 9, سبتمبر 2013 - (08:22 ص)

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